According To C. According to definition, in agreement or accord with: according to his judgment. Use according to to state a source of information.
Birth story, according to my husband. Cal Lee, 7 lbs 6 oz ... (Elizabeth Weaver) Use "according to" when you want to credit someone else's work or ideas. Definition of according to in the dictionary. C++ standard has evolved and has even become more powerful but Turbo C++ does not capture it all.
Use "according to" when you want to credit someone else's work or ideas.
The key organizational concepts in C# are programs, namespaces, types, members, and assemblies.
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Made According to Pattern by C W Slemming - AbeBooks
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Psalter with weekday holiday day Hymns according to the ...
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Viruses are classified according to all of the following ...
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But according to the law, it is still my right to choose what I do with my body. Something that happens according to plan…. She always did everything according to the rules.
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